If God moves will you see it?

 When God begins to move, what does it look like? Lets put it another when God begins a movement, what does that look like? My answer is, I have no idea. But one thing I do know is, if He is moving I want to go with Him. In Isaiah 42:16 it says that He will lead the blind in a way they have not known, in paths they have not known He will guide them and will turn the darkness into light before them. One needs faith to step out and walk when you don't know where you are going and even more so when it is dark that you can't see either. But if this is where He is leading and where He is going, one must just go. The promise is the light will come on. Each step we are promised victory. Each step we will see light. We are not forsaken He is always there, awaiting our faith for another move.


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